Our story started with two semi-geniuses in someone's township backyard. One with mad economic skills and a passion to enrich not only himself but south africa and beyond, the other with the hunger to turn technological greatness from everyday underrated gadgets. These two came together an thought of what would be out of this world to both help south african citizens to reduce mobile theft and innovate other technological departments into greatness. Their ideas then developed MANYORA software and electronics. However, they had help from these amazing and wildly intelligent beings they now call their teammates.
CEO & Founder
Master thinker and analyser.Has a garage full of self taught skills ranging from technical analysis, system admininstration and strategic securities.
Marketing Director
From Sales presentations and negotiations to master class economy savvy marketing settlements. With 10 years sales experience in different economic sectors.
Technical Analysis Director
Well skilled and qualified in more than 5 departments in the technical sphere. With experience in both teaching,administering as well as monitoring SETA affliated divisions.
Systems Director
Has acute findings in systems administration and securities. With 5 years technical, sales and computer programs installation experience as well as server administrator and monitor.
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